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To @toasty-ghost
217 Watchers

The Two Bears

16 min read
  It was a cold winter, probably one of the coldest I have been through since I was a cub. This winter wasn't just cold it was bitter, it was how I lost my mom. I slumped forward tiredly, I knew I had to reach the south for the winter if I wanted any chance to get food. I had been walking for days, my claws digging into this ice than changed into snow then back into ice. I looked behind me quietly, there was a figure in the blizzard...Following me..I stopped, softly hoping it was my mom. The figure got through the blizzard and stopped seeing me, it was an older male bear. Me bein a male myself my mom taught me not to get close to them for they can kill cubs "keep your distance." I stated and raised myself onto my hind legs, trying to make myself appear larger. The older male didn't seem to mind that and just stared at me "..What are you doing cub?" He asked calmly, I didn't dare lower myself. "I'm going south in hopes to find food." I wondered why he asked, he grunted and sat down. I saw him more clearly then, his face torn on the muzzle and scars ran down his face. He was a fighter for sure. "Where is your mother, cub?" I grew impatient "stop calling me that, I lost her in this blizzard..I've been going south also in hopes to find her." The older bear grunted again "you wont, I saw a mother going north said she lost her cub. Could have been yours, but you wont...You wont find food south either who ever told you that wanted you out of the way." I landed back onto all fours "how do I know your not trying to get me killed?" He looked at me and stood "if I wanted to kill you or attack you I would have done it by now don't you think?" I went quiet, he was right.. "Follow me then." He said and turned around, he quietly started walking towards the blizzard. I followed at a distance "wait if everyone is going north then why were you following me south?" The old bear looked back at me "I figured you were alone, I thought you were a female trapped with a cub or something. I wanted to help anyway I could." I squinted "but your a male, why would you want to help a female with a cub?" The male looked away "because when I was your age I was trapped with my mother too...She drowned trying to get me across to the other side of the ice..We did the same thing you did and went south for food only to find nothing was there. But we already traveled so far and when we started back tracking it was to late, the ice had started to crack. It was unsafe for us since I wasn't old enough to know how to swim...I had to pick it up pretty quickly when my mom drowned...A male bear picked up my scent and saved me...I swore to be just like him when I was old enough to." The older bear grunted "he taught me everything I know about everything I should teach you." He looked back at me quietly "first of all, he taught me that love can come from anywhere and anything." I rose a brow, what did he mean by that? Seeming to know what I was thinking he gave me a small smile "he always told me that he could have killed me, but something in him told him that I was just a lost cub wanting affection..So he took me under his paw and raised me. He opened my eyes to a world I didn't know could exsist." He looked back into the blizzard we were getting close to it "keep close to me. Scrunch up against my side if you have to, but do not loose your sight on me!" I nodded quietly, the same thing my mom said when she disappeared. Immediately I stuck my nuzzle into his side and walked with him, I was determined not to loose another bear in this blizzard. I could hear him grunt and cough, a big puff of wind blew into my face and I closed my eyes. Slivers of ice formed on my nose and I turned my nuzzle away from the older bears side to hide my face in my own body. I felt him follow my lead and he covered my head with his, I heard him grunt as he slightly tumbled into me. I feel over, he feel ontop of me. "Well thats one way to warm you up." He called down to me, all I could do was wish he was slightly lighter. He changed positions, making it more comfortable for the both of us as he didn't lay directly ontop of me. He kept his lower body ontop of me and his head on my neck, the rest was uncovered. "Rest we aren't going to be able to move in this blizzard until morning." I was worried "wont you get cold?" He smiled softly and made me lower my head to the ice "don't worry about me." Before I could object I heard him start grunting a low errr, something my mom use to do when I was a cub...He was humming to me...The warmth of his body against mine made me grougy and without meaning to I feel asleep easily. 

  In the morning I was woke with a forced grunt and the leaving of a body. I startled awake thinking the older male was abandoning me, only to find that he was changing positions. I sighed to myself and felt something wet against my ear, my head shot up and I looked behind me to see he had scooted closer to me and had started grooming me, I was deathly confused on that, a bear I had just meet...Was bathing me... I looked away quietly, the bridge of my nose felt really warm as I blushed slightly. He kept grooming me gently, he reached my back and I blushed more. I grunted to get his attention and he looked at me quietly "good morning, I'm glad to see you awake." He smiled calmly and licked me inbetween the shoulders then let me be. "Get up then when your ready, we got a long way to go." I heistated then stood and we were travelling again, I didn't keep my distance as far as I did yesterday. After last night of him not attacking me I felt as if i could now trust him.

  Over the next few days I felt completely exhausted, I stumbled countless times over my paws. The next time I did it I fell onto my stomach. I was cold,hungry and extremely tired. The older bear looked at me "c'mon we're almost there." I grunted "Thats what you said three days ago." He came over to me and gently slid me onto of him then started walking, I was surprised that he was able to do that. "Rest, i'll wake you when we are there." I went quiet "I didn't get your name.." He looked back at me "your telling me that now?..." He smiled though "It's Berg." I nodded "mines Vince." He blinked "sounds like a human's way of naming." He kept walking though, I sighed to myself "my mom spent most of her cub years around humans." He snorted slightly "you don't need to explain it to me." I felt like I did anyways, he seemed suddenly impatient with me. I feel asleep slowly, I woke with him shifting his shoulders. I grunted and looked up quietly "...It all looks the same how do you know where we are going?" He was quiet "you follow your gut...It's an instinct.." He dropped me gently "we're getting close, you can walk now right?" I nodded and stood up then followed him quietly for a bit "do you hate humans?" I asked gently looking at his scarred muzzle. "...They shoot him...When we went up north...We went to far...We found there villages, he wanted to see them and got to close to one of the cubs. It fell over in surprise and they thought he had attacked it. Next thing we know he had gotten shot..I ran away terrified...I didn't ever see what had actually happened to him afterwards...This is the first time since then i've been directly north." He looked at me, my heart thudded in my head seeing his eyes. They were lost, sad and heartbroken. "You cared about him a lot...I'm so sorry you lost him.." He nodded quietly "now please can we drop it? I don't like thinking about humans." I nodded understandingly. We soon reached a green patch of grass, my claws slowed down on it as if my weight might have suddenly taken away the grass. I saw grass miles and miles wide, everywhere I looked. I saw mothers with cubs that were playing and I saw some mothers even had seals in there mouths. I snorted out and ran forward into the grass and rolled in it, I looked up though afterwards...My mom wasn't here...Berg came to me "well kid where is she?" I opened my mouth softly looking around, none of them were her. "She's not here..." Berg looked down at me quietly "she could be up farther north trying to get to the dump, thats where a lot of humpbacks go. Good place to find human's scraps." I looked at him and nodded "thank you." I stood up and started trotting to the higher north path, I heard something following me and looked back to see Berg. I stopped and he did too "...I don't want you going with me Berg, what if you get shot?" Berg went close to me "then i'll get shot protecting you." I went quiet "why are you doing this?" I looked into his eyes gently, he hid himself from me though "that doesn't really matter right now does it?" He trotted forward "come on...Lets go find your mom.."

  It was a couple of days before we reached farther north, I was severely hungry. Berg could tell my sides were getting thin, he raided what he called a thumpster I believe is what he said. He pulled out a long scrap of black looking meat and tossed it at me, I sniffed it and retracted "it doesn't smell like meat." He kept digging "thats because it's been covered, just eat it." I snorted and ate the chewey black part of it. It had no taste to it, nothing that I could say about it though. Berg took out what looked like a big snowball, it was green though with red in the middle. He told me its what humans called watermelon, they threw the green part into the trace since they couldn't eat it. I ate that a littke bit easier, I then realized Berg wasn't eating and commented on it. He told me his hunger did not matter compared to mine. I went quiet and just ate, after days of searching we found many older male bears. But no females, a lot of them looked at me. None of them attempted anything though because of Berg. I saw buildings and we went by one, I heard something thud in an alleyway and went to investigate while Berg was asking another bear if he saw a female around these parts. I went to the back alleyway and saw that a human had dragged out something black and put it in a smaller thumpster. They then noticed me "ohhh oh easy bear...Easy..." I tilted my head, his words confused me as if he was talking a whole different language. I grunted confused and stumbled toward the thumpster, my nose smelling rotting meat. "No no stay away from that!" The human shoved it's hands into my face, moving my neck away from the thumpster. I grunted annoyed and slightly pushed the human. It stumbled towards the house and ran in, I climbed onto the thumbster and started raiding. Any kind of substance of food I could get was going straight to my stomach, I heard something loud then felt a sharp pain in my side as I launched over the thumpster. It landing above me as its containments flew down my back. I looked down at my side and saw blood then looked at the human who was back with what looked like a long fish. I stood up, my vision blurred and for a moment I thought I saw two humans. I heard someone roaring and looked to see Ber collide with the human, the long fish skitting across the ground. Berg ran to me and pushed me out of the alleyway, a few feet and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I feel onto my stomach at the weight of it. I heard Berg stand on his hind legs and roar, I then heard another loud bang and heard his growl grow more frustrated. He picked me up onto his back and bolted out of the village going south more towards the safety of the mother bears.

When I woke we were on the grass, I grunted and slid off his back with a massive thud onto the hard unforgiving ground. He stopped and looked back at me panting, I saw that whatever that long fish did it had gotten me in the side and threw the shoulder. It also got berg, it was more of a scrape against his shoulder than anything. "Come on where almost to the mothers." I shook my head "I can't feel my paws..." I said tiredly and closed my eyes, I heard Berg come to me "come on please, we're so close..." He nuzzled my side and I winced in pain "why couldn't you have stayed by me?" He asked "i'm sorry..I got curious..." Berg shook his head "Please..Come on.." He tried getting me onto his back,but I just slid off. Something in me telling me to go to sleep. I heard him grunt an err as he looked at me, I could see fear and worry in his eyes. "It's okay Berg...At least your okay.." I closed my eyes again. "N-no please don't leave me! Please we're so close all you need is your mom..Please!" I heard him fade out and saw a white spirit walking toward me. "Mama" I said softly, it smiled warmly at me  "hi baby, you ready to go home?" I stood and looked to see Berg still trying to talk to me, I noticed I had walked out of my own body. "What about Berg?" I saw the ghost shift its postion. "He wont be coming with us." I looked back at him and focused into what he was saying. "Please don't leave me! Please! You don't understand! I...I love you..." He dropped ontop of my body grunting, tears flowing down his cheeks. My ear flinched softly "...He needs me.." I look back to see that the ghost wasn't there anymore "please return me to him! He needs me!...I-I need him! Please!" I felt a cough come into my throat and then opened my eyes. I was being exhamined by a mother polar bear "he's waking." Berg ran over "oh my gosh your alive!" He grunted and sat down to give me room. I sluggishly tried to stand, but the mother made me lay down. "No rest, your hurt." I nodded gently and looked at Berg, a thought rolled onto my tongue. I opened my mouth to say it.... But fainted. I woke up in the human village, my side and shoulder were wrapped up. I got up immediately and looked around, no polar bears were to be seen. "Berg?....Berg!" I called and felt my heartbreak...For another time in my life...I was left to my own instincts.

  It was years later, by then the wounds were healed ant the bandages have falled offl I hadn't seen Berg since then. I tried looking too, but like my mom I had wondered if he died. Or if he simply moved on, found a female and decided to settle down. I breathed out softly and went fishing to clear my head, I came out and shook off. Nothing..I heard a splash though and looked to my side to see a larger older male was at the waters edge, drinking. I jumped up onto the ice and raised myself onto my hind legs "keep your distance." I stated cooly. The bear turned to me and slowly smiled at me then asked "what are you doing cub?" I froze, I was only asked that once "...Berg?" My front end found ice gently as I looked at the older male. He only nodded, I saw the truth in his eyes "w-...I thought you died..." He shook his head "nope I kept living...Just for you.." He went to me and slowly nuzzled my neck. I blushed gently "B-berg..?" He paused "yeah?" He looked me in the eyes "did you mean what you said all those years ago?" He tilted his head then "what did I say?" I pawed slightly at the ground nervously "you said you loved me." I looked at him quietly, he grunted slightly and just nuzzled me. I blushed more, was this a yes? He licked my neck quietly and I grunted then in response. "Yes, I did...I still do.." he licked my shoulders, being careful of the scar. "G-good...I wanted you to say that.." I nuzzled him back and pushed him gently onto the ground. He looked up at me quietly, I looked down at him "I-I feel the same way..." I saw him smile and he nuzzled my chest. "What next then, my love?" Goosebumps went down my spine "well...I purpose we adopt until were to old to walk.." I nuzzled him gently "I agree with that." He smiled more and we did just that. He passed two minutes before I did and we both walked home together.
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Not sure if any of my watchers from Toasty-Ghost watch this account anymore, but at the moment I have deactivated both toasty-ghost and akeena2 for reasons I do not wish to name, I will be on this account untill I feel like things have calmed down. I don't want to run away from my problems, but i am not a fighter. If you guys want to argue with me then consider yourself the winner right off the bat because I can't do it anymore. I've got no fight in me, i've got no actual life in me. I've been an emotional wreck and i've got no one to blame, but myself. For years i've been abusing myself physically and emotionally, i've been trying to tell myself I was okay and that I was better than this. But I can't fight this anymore, I can't pretend like anything i'm doing is natural at the point. Everything has happened to fast for me, just in this past year alone I gratuatated, had about four boyfriends, lost my grandfather, been rejected more than once, and lost more than one friend because college is just to important to me to want to hangout. Oh also, I received the charger for the laptob....It turned out to be to small, so we are sending it back and getting a new one. I don't have a date poked out for it, because at this point I just feel like I don't care. If you guys follow me on colorslive then that will be were i'll post my art until I can confirm that I got a working charger for the computer. Until then I wont say much to anyone, i've been needing alone time, time to myself and time to escape this place my family calls home. I've been having dark...Even scary thoughts...About how if my mom got shot how would I be able to help her? Its gotten really bad, im scarring myself and I try to tell myself to stop it....But the thoughts are getting worse...I've had a night were I thought how much better we'd be off if.....Its just getting to bad, way to bad for me to not notice. I need help guys, this part of me is something I do not want to even talk about, but its there and getting growing more and more hostile the less i talk about it. I just don't know what to do....I'm becoming insanity.....
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I have moved to mylastaccount please if you want to get my attention faster than head over there.
I will post more art there.
I will post more journals there.
If you really cared about me you should go there.
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Lightening struck down, we were in battle with demons. I was running away from the battle seen when I knocked into something and feel back on the cloud, a bolt of lightning blasted out from underneath me. I sat up to look at what I had bumped into, It was a demon. But we just looked at each other, he was a man and being the women I was I was surprised at how handsome he looked. Well there is such a thing has being deviously handsome, but I don't think this is what it would means. Ecro, an another angel flew at the demon. The two had started to fight while I watched, lightening struck every time they countered each other. But finally the demon had the advantage and pinned Ecro, he was going to kill him! "No!" I yelled out, pushing the demon of Ecro and I ready to protect him.
The demon looked at me ready to fight, but he stayed still. Ecro grabbed his staph he uses for setting things on fire and wacked the demon upside his head, knocking it out a few hours later, the battle was over. The one Ecro knocked out was in a cage, I watched the knocked out demon. He looked even more handsome asleep, "okay stop it" I whispered to myself not wanting anything to do with this demon. Yet somehow I was here anyways, I sighed it sure is confusing I thought to myself. How I work is mysterious even before I died I didn't understand myself, The demon opened his eyes. They were a wicked dark green, our eyes had connected with the other's. He was now officially watching me, and I was officially watching him. I wondered what he thought about me, I wasn't the prettiest angel ever. I do admit to getting acne on my face some days. My hair I rarely brushed, I never wore makeup in my life, it's the fact that I never believed it to do anything besides make me look snobby. My pants always had holes at the knees, I was never afraid of getting dirty so I crawled a lot on the floor looking for things, my shirts never really showing anything to personal i thought it sick how girls could let there shirts hand down to there bra. To make matters worse for me most of them had their chest perused or tattooed , making it very noticeable for a reason. 
"What's with the staph?" He questioned "where you the one who knocked me out?" I shook my head simply.
"Then who did?
'Ecro' I thought to myself "none of your business"
"I bet it's the angel I fought with I really do"
"Why did you try to kill him?"
He seemed surprised and confused "because I'm a demon and he's an angel....?"
"Then why didn't you try to kill me, or attack me for that matter?"
He seemed stuck, this question got him cornered.
"Come here" he said softly.
I leaned forward, he quickly grabbed my shirt and pulled it, my face went real close to his, but the bars of the cage hit my chest, making me stop. I couldn't help but look at him, my heart beat faster. I was scared, His grip didn't loosen.
"You want to know why I didn't attack you?"
I was silent, unsure if I actually wanted to hear the reason.
"Because I can't hurt an innocent rose that I want to kiss"
My fear got bigger, and my heart pounded in my head.The devil let go of my shirt, Ecro was coming down quickly, he roared at the demon
"Don't you touch her again!"
"Go to hell!" The demon hissed back.
Ecro was ready to attack, I needed him to back up. 
"Ecro, it's okay  I'm not hurt" I stood in front of him, he calmed.
"Good, now c'mon stop wasting your time here" he walked off/
I followed, looking back at the demon, he looked at me, but then turned his back to me, I stopped looking back. I fiddled with my shirt later, I was in my house alone 'go to hell' was the last sentence I had heard flimp say, "ugh!" I tried buttoning my shirt back up, flimp had took out a button,  I'm pretty sure that was on accident. I ripped my shirt off and got a new one, I sat down in a wooden chair with a cushion. I sighed flimps words running through my brain I couldn't hurt an innocent rose that I wanted to kiss did he really want to kiss me? Or was he just playing with me? I sighed again, exhausted I fell asleep in the chair.
the light was fuzzy, but I could feel bars on my chest, and something gripping my shirt, not loosing its grip "I couldn't hurt an innocent rose" I heard something tell me, sounding like it came through a small tube. I saw an image, flimp, "that I just wanted to kiss" his smile grew horse has I saw him transform into a red light, the ruler of all devils, he had transformed into satan.My heartbeat ran into my head I shot awake, breathing roughly, somebody was at the door.
"Rasia,  it's me, can we talk?" It was Ecro,  why was he here? I opened the door and he quickly came in, he shut the door behind him. What's wrong with him? It's like he's got a secret to tell, his face seemed like he ate something hot it was really red looking.
He sat down on a rocking chair, his shirt unbuttoned. I sat down in my chair, this normally wasn't something normal that happened between us. 
"What is it?" I asked, worried, he became silent, he talked rapidly and in a mumble 
"Well as far as we're concerned,  I know you don't have a boyfriend so I-uh was wondering if you liked m- uh somebody" 
I didn't really understand him all I heard was concerned, boyfriend, liked, and somebody.I was growing impatient with him
"Just tell me what  your trying to say!" I didn't want to yell, but this wasn't going anywhere.
"I like you okay?!" He spat out, his shirt hang open and I was able to see his chest. "I wondered if you liked me" he quieted 
I soon grew calm, when did he start liking me? Well I had to answer his question.
I quieted, he stood up 
"Sorry, I'll be going now, he walked to the door and he grabbed the handle. I ran up to him and turned him to look at me my mouth moving faster than I could have thought
"Listen I like you also, but I just think we're moving a little fast, you have saved me multiple times from demons, but I just want to take baby steps because I'm scared" I blabbered yet somehow everything came out clear and understandable.
I started to cry, I felt Ecro lift my chin, he started to kiss my lips.
"Mmm!" I stopped crying, I pulled away quickly and slapped him. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.
"I said baby steps, why don't you listen?!" He quickly left, slamming the door behind him. I sat down, stressed.
"like I told him nothing! Why doesn't he listen?!" 
"Maybe its because you think he doesn't listen" a voice called down to me, unnaturally, but I was so stressed I decided to talk to this voice that sounded familiar,  thick with a little rasp in it.
"Well maybe, all men want the same thing!" I yelled out
"Mmmmm and what would that be?"
"They just want to kiss and and uh......"
Suddenly something appeared in my house, it looked like smoke
"Ahhhh, my house is on fire!"
I ran to the door
"Where you going?" A voice called, less sounding like it was coming through a tube.
I turned and saw flimp
"How......?" I was confused then I got angry.
"How did you get out of your cage and in my house?!"
"That cage wasn't really meant for a demon" he said calmly.
"So you could have escaped at any moment?" 
He nodded
"Then....Why didn't you?"
"I was having too much fun torturing you"
He walked up to me.
"Somehow, you and I have learned how to communicate with one another when we're not even close to each other, I can hear you and you can hear me"
"Of course I can I'm not deaf" I joked
He faked a smiled "same here, now what was it I was doing here in the first place?" He asked
I shrugged
"Like I know"
"Oh, yeah, that's what I wanted to do"
He grabbed my shirt and pulled it, my chest hit his stomach.My heart beat got caught in my head again.
Ecro came into the house uninvited "Rasia,  the demon has escaped........" his voice trailed off, I heard him growl has flimp got pushed from me, the two staggered arguing, this time Ecro had his staph so Flimp didn't really try to fight with him.
"I told you to stay away from her!"
"And I told you to go to hell" he spoke in an odd calm type of voice
Ecro pushed the tip of his staph onto flimps chest, the two were head to head, almost the same height as the other.
"If I see you with her ever again I will kill you!"
"Why are you so tormented by me? It's not like she's your girlfriend" Ecro paused at that.
"Yeah,  but she's not yours ether!"
"You don't know that."
"Guys! Shut up will you?! I'm nobody's girlfriend so stop fighting! Ecro, put down the staph, Flimp stop acting like your my boyfriend, ill decide whos who when I'm ready!"
They quieted, Ecro put his staph down and backed up.
few days later and I couldn't stand the fact that flimp got put in a new cage, Ecro had to put him there, he was a threat to us angels. I didn't know why, but lately I've been wanting a kiss from somebody,  I didn't care who I just wanted to have someone's lips on mine, one day I went to see flimp.
Flimp walked up like he usually did, taking great care not to touch the bars,  which was strange, they weren't electric. 
"Hello, rasia"
"I haven't gotten to do what I wanted the other day, may I?"
"Umm, I guess?"
"Come here"
I was scared, but I walked up to him, he gripped my shirt and my face meet his, I felt something on my lips, flimp........Was kissing me.
I didn't know what to do, honestly,  I wanted a kiss, but so sudden? I was shocked, Ecro hit Flimp with his staph, missing me by inches, flimp landed on the ground,
"Ecro!" I yelled at him
"You couldn't honestly tell me, that you told me baby steps, but then kissed him! I can't believe, you don't know this demon, plus his from hell, he belongs in hell!" I saw his struggle with himself
"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me! I said baby steps for a reason!" The warmth of flimps kiss remained on my lips.
Ecro put the staph on flimps chest 
"How bout trying that again?" 
Okay, I had enough of this, I pushed... No I dragged Ecro towards my house, I opened the door and closed it behind me. Ecro paced, his staph lighting up, he was going to, burn down my house if he didn't calm down!
"Ecro, calm down, I promise I didn't tell him anything I just said hi to him, and then he asked me to come over to him, I did, and my lips meet his"
".....Are you sure you didn't tell him anything?"
"I'm......" wait, my thoughts, maybe flimp could hear my thoughts!
"Maybe he can hear my thoughts!"
"I.......I wanted a kiss from somebody today, and I didn't expect him to kiss me so suddenly"
Ecro seemed confused and hurt
"Y-you....So you went to him?!"
"Yes, but not for the kiss"
"Then why did you go to him?!"
"Just to talk, okay?"
Ecro paused, but then he went out of the house, I followed, we came to flimps cage. I tried to stop Ecro, but he managed to push me off.
Ecro unlocked the cage and grabbed flimps shirt, he threw him out of the cage.
Ecro put his staph down "you and me, let's fight. I'm tired of you!"
"Same with you!" Flimp yelled back/
Ecro had the first punch...trying to get flimps shoulder, but he missed, flimp scratched his shoulder instead and threw him down, ecro stood up and the tossed each other.
Multiple times i've seen flimp go down and multiple times i've seen ecro go down. Ecro didn't have the upper hand and he got knocked out, Flimp stood simply over his body
He belongs in hell, he should be in hell Ecros voice ran in my head, I grabbed his staph and tried hitting flimp with it, he backed up, missing my shots by inches. My heart beat faster has my anger grew and with it my accuracy. I love ecro, back off! I heard myself think yell to flimp, yes I had admitted it to myself, I love ecro, I hated to see him hurt.
Flimps eyes saddened,  he knew what I thought. Good, now he'll leave me and ecro alone. Fire shot immediately from the staph, it had missed flimps shoe by millimetres.
Flimp disappeared and I picked Ecro up and brought him to my home, having a difficult time just doing that.
I sat him gainfully on my bed when I got inside, I softly kissed his shoulder, that scar on it would take forever to heal if I wasn't an angel.I stood up to see it had vanished, good. Ecro woke up ".......Where is he?"
"His where he belongs" in hell.
"How did you get me away from him?"
"Your staph"
".....where's my staph?"
I pointed to a chair, his staph in it, I had brung that has well.
".......Wait, so you used my staph, why?"
"You got knocked out so I used your staph to get flimp away from you."
"Oh yeah right!" He stood up "I bet you two where kissing up a storm when I was knocked out!" He headed for the door, and tears started flooding down my cheeks, his hand grabbed the door handle
"You think that?! Really!? Why can't you believe me for once?!" I slid to my knees, still crying "why can't you believe that I saved you?" why can't you believe I love you?
I heard footsteps and felt him help me up and hugged me gentfully,  my tears were uncontrollable. I hugged him for many minutes, my heart had hurt from crying so much.
"I'm sorry" I heard ecro say into my hair "I'm just confused and.....Scared of what to think"
I nodded, I understood that. "I love you" slipped out of my mouth, I don't care if it didn't mean to come out, I wanted him to know anyways.
My eyes were open, waiting for his response, I didn't hear anything, so I closed my eyes, I felt him softly move me, and shoot open my eyes has I felt something on my lips, Ecro was kissing my lips. This time I allowed him to has I closed my eyes in acceptance, I put my hands on his chest, keeping my legs from falling under him. I felt my mouth widen a little has something soft entered it Ecro's tongue, does this mean he loves me back? I softly pulled away, his tongue went back into his mouth
"I love you too"
I immediately kissed his lips and I felt his fast acceptance, we soon started making out, taking quick breaths in between kisses. I didn't know what was going on, but I accepted everything, we soon found my bed and laid each other down for the night.

A few months had past and I had a baby girl by the name of River, she was a very beautiful angel and more spiritual with God then I was. She prayed to him, she worshiped him, she sang any song about him that she could, she even fasted when she felt like she sinned. The thing that I loved the most about her was she carried the holy bible around and read scriptures out loud to other angels, she was a lovely person to be around I had to admit. But that amount of spiritual behavior wasn't something I was to open to, I still listened to her when she preached don't get me wrong. I just didn't focus on a lot of what she was saying, so when God told me to listen to her patiently I did so. When she was a teenager she was sent to earth to be a messenger of God's word. I was worried of who she would meet, but God told me not to. He had a plan for her and that I should be glad she's getting out and about. I just simply nodded, only to find out 'God's plan.' Was getting her to meet Flimp.
River walked down the street going to school, she wore a cross necklace and kept her scriptures close to her chest while her bookbag slung evenly across her back. She walked by an alleyway and looked into it, she saw a guy being kicked by a group of other guys. "Hey stop that!" She yelled not thinking beforehand, the group turned to her and even chased after her. She screamed and ran, dropping her book bag to lighten her load. Which momentarily tripped one of them, but it didn't do much. She was caught up to and pinned to a building, her skirt was raided into and ripped off. All she could do was hold the book close as trembled, she got knocked into and felt the group being pulled away. She opened her eyes and saw that the guy who had been jumped was back on his feet, but was way more agile than she imagined. One nose was broke, one arm as dislocated out of its socket and one face had been smacked into the pavement. None of them being the guy that pulled the group away, the group ran off holding their wounds. The guy that as jumped turned towards her, she was shaking badly and pushing herself more against the building as tears ran down her face. He quietly walked to her and made sure her skirt was put back on, his fingers not once touched her skin. He stood afterwords "next time you choose to help someone else I suggest bringing more than the power of God with you." She shook looking up at him, she felt punished for doing what she did. "...Mmm let me guess..Mormon..Going to school..Around eighteen?" He spoke calmly, trying to help her relax. She just nodded in response, he reached down and picked up her bookbag then helped her into it. "I wanted to thank you, but I didn't need your help." She didn't say anything, she felt no need to. He made her turn to him "why aren't you speaking?" He looked into her eyes, she shook more as tears flooded. She couldn't keep her gaze in his green eyes, so she looked down at his chest. "Did they manage to hurt you?" She shook her head "no...T-they...They just got the skirt off.." He went to grab her chin, but her skin burnt his hand. He backed away in pain "fuck!" He yelled out holding his hand, her head shot up to look at him "y-your..A demon..." The guy looked at her quietly, she tried backing up only to hit more brick. "Please don't be afraid of me..I've had enough of people being afraid of me..." He turned away and sat on the curve "I got..Desperate..I started taking drugs and having sex with anyone I could just for a little bit of human contact. The next thing I know i'm in an allie way getting my ass kicked, but I realized something..I didn't care anymore.." His voice sounded depressed, she went quiet and went to him. "Hey..Even if you are a demon..I want to read this scripture for you; it's Matthew 28: 1-2 In the end of the sabbath, as it begain to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake; for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it. "Do you know what that means?" Flimp shook his head "absolutely nothing?" She sat by him softly "no it means that when Mary came to sepulchre Jesus prepared himself for her journey, which included removing the stone from the door that kept it closed, only she could open it by allowing him in." Flimp sighed and looked at her "kudos for her." She went quiet and stood "if you ever want the door to be open to your heart then you must first open the door to Jesus." She left after that and he stayed there quietly in war with himself.

 When she was walking to school the next week, Flimp saw her and caught up with her. "I forgot to ask who are your parents?" She jumped slightly but relaxed seeing he was back. "Oh, my spiritual father is God. But my biological parents are Rasia and Ecro." Flimp paused at that and she noticed, she looked back at him. "Is something wrong?" Flimp went quiet "I figured it'd be to good to be true, your a fucking pure angel." She blinked "please don't swear, and yes I am pure. But why should that be a problem?" Flimp extended out his arms and then waved them down his chest "hello i'm a goddamn demon! I can't touch you with you being a pure angel." She tapped her foot impatiently "well that's good maybe I don't want to be touched by a man who's probably thirty years older than me." He grew pissed "i'm only twenty two maybe you should have asked before accusing me of my age. Demons and angels aren't suppose to age, but I guess your an exception seeing has how God wanted a mortal enough angel to be his messenger." She sighed "I'm sorry for accusing you, but really you shouldn't touch people you don't know. For one it isn't respectful and for two you don't know their boundaries." He started laughing "is that why I was able to kiss your mother?" She froze "what?" He nodded "oh yeah, right on the lips. She was basically begging for me to do it." River looked him up and down, she felt God telling her that was true. But it was before Rasia knew what she wanted, she grew more confident hearing that. "Oh well, that was before she knew what was right, what she wanted..She wanted my father, she was just confused and lost." Flimp glared at her "how the fuck do you know that?" She started walking "God told me." Flimp followed her "...So how do I open the door to Jesus?" She felt a smile softly spray against her cheeks "pray to him, read the scriptures, talk to him, sing to him, fast about him. Just about anything you think would open the door really." Flimp went quiet for a moment "..Would he accept me now though?" She looked at him has they walked "the better question is will you accept him now?" He looked out in front of them "I don't know.." He whispered "I don't know if I can.." She softly touched his arm, his hand retracted in shock as he expected it to burn. "O-oh sorry..I was trying to comfort you.." She put her hand to her side, he looked her over gently then nodded. He was confused on why when he touched her he would feel his skin burn, but when she touched him he felt...At ease..Even relaxed.."Let me help you open the door to Jesus." He just silently nodded. Over that sunday she meet flimp up in a LDS church, her parents where there. They saw flimp and wanted to keep river close, but she went to him when they were talking about why he was there and why he wasn't being burned up in the spot. They saw her go to him and rushed over "thank you so much for coming today, here I got you one of these." She took a bible out of her bookbag and carefully handed it to flimp. "For me?" He asked looking at her, she nodded softly "I suggest starting in Matthew, read some when you can." His mouth softly fell open "I haven't ever received a gift before..Well..Not as a..Demon..Anyways.." She touched his shoulder "that's in the past, if you want to have jesus in here." She touched his chest "then you must stop letting the past affect you." He looked up at her and nodded quietly, her parents saw how she interacted with him and didn't know how to feel about it. She looked at them smiling gently, her mom took her by her arm and dragged her to a quiet place. Her father following them "hun what are you doing talking to a demon?" River blinked "mom please...You guys...I know you know him, but he wants to change." Her mom shook her head "hunny people like him don't change." She got slightly mad "mom..People like him change all the time and for good reason, I know something happened between you two in the past. But at least let the guy try before you go accusing him of not doing so." Her mom looked down at river then at ecro who calmly nodded. Rasia sighed "hun just do me a favor." River got worried "what's that mom?" She went quiet "just don't let him do anything to you." 

Over the next few months both Flimp and River spent more and more time together, she made sure Flimp didn't try anything. But in all sincerity he had seemed to actually change, they had started reading scriptures together when she wasn't busy and even went to church together every sunday. He even asked her how he could kick it up a notch and she told him to pray to God and confess his sins to him, Flimp asked her if she'd be there when he did and she told him if he was to do it then it should only be between him and God. He went quiet and asked if she'd be willing to baptize him, she told him that she would be allowed to. When she baptised him he had hugged her immediately, she squeaked gently and was worried the cross was burning him. He gently let got of her apologizing quietly but then thanking her afterwards, she notice he wasn't burning by touching her and a smile split across her lips. "You don't have to thank me for anything, you're closer to God and I couldn't be prouder of you." He softly tucked in a lock of her hair behind her ear "I wanted to anyways." She blushed softly at the physical interaction and felt suddenly very awkward to be around him, she gently got away from him and told him that he should make sure to read a scripture chapter tonight. She almost desperately got away from him, she felt a sudden need to be away from him. She felt terrible about it later and even told God that she was a horrible angel for it, he disagreed and told her that she was probably one of the more understanding ones he had. She was quiet, but every time she saw Flimp she swore she felt her heart flip over in her chest and she would run out of breath. She would wrap her hair behind her ears just has a precaution before the conversation started. "Hey Flimp." He hugged her quickly, she squeaked slightly and blushed more. "I confessed my sins last night after you left...I started crying though because the last few confessions were about you." She stayed quiet unsure of how to react "he didn't say anything,but I will." He gently let go of her just to hold her shoulders "River..I wanted to thank you for helping me with those guys...When they tried to rape you I felt something in me snap..Something I only felt once before for your mother..But both times weren't for the right reasons...I now know what I have to do..I now know the correct way to God's gate." River couldn't keep her eyes off of him as he moved in front of her and got down on one knee, he then pulled out a small box and showed her a ring inside "River..Would you help me achieve something I have longed for for such a long time and...Become my wife?" She felt her heart beat more and she looked at him. "I-I...I...." She collapsed onto the ground, she had fainted. Flimp panicked and flipped her onto her back, he saw a ray of light flash before his eyes and when the light stopped she was in God's arms. "Flimp..It's a little early to purpose to the girl don't you think?" He stood "sir...Heavenly Father.." He bowed "I love her..With every fiber of my being.." God extended out his open hand to him and Flimp took it, he flew them both up to heaven and set him down. "I understand you want to get closer to me by marrying her,but proposing to her now isn't a good idea. She's still young and she's still on her mission, she doesn't know what she wants yet. Even if it seems like she does she really doesn't." Flimp looked up at him "in all do respect sir, I think your being a bit over dramatic...Who are you to decide when she's ready?" He shook his head and sighed "because I am God, I created all of this...You..Her..This place..I know both of you better than you know yourselves, and I know your scared of her loving another like Rasia did. But know if she does there will be another for you, I have a plan for the both of you." Flimp got impatient "then tell me what it is! Stop with these riddles and the hints and the spiritual talk! I just want to know if we'll end out together I just want to be happy!" God touched his shoulder and he calmed almost immediately "your not ready either my son, love isn't something you can rush into and although I make the path your taking I wont be able to stop you from wandering from the path. I can only encourage you to come back to the oath i've created for you, so just take a deep breath in and let your true feelings for this woman come through." He left with River still in his arm, Flimp went quiet and looked down. This was the first time he was allowed into heaven where he wasn't trapped in a cage, he decided to look around and clear his head. Meanwhile thoughts of her just kept rushing in and he had to sit on a bench to be able to process them all in a organised manner.

Over the next few years he didn't see River again, he felt crushed to say the least. He stayed in heaven hoping to see her again, but when he didn't all hope for him seemed to falter. He went for a walk one day to a lake in the clouds, he took out the wedding ring and tossed it far into the lake. He started thinking and hugged himself, never in his life has he felt so strongly about a woman besides Rasia. He then realized that maybe River told her parents about his proposal and thats why he didn't see her anymore...They were keeping her from him! He suddenly went into the lake and fished out the ring, he then went to Rasia's and Ecro's house. He froze softly when he felt a strong presence behind him, he turned around to see God behind him...On top of the lake..Just standing there. "..Please..I love her...I will do anything for her.." He told him, he didn't seem to react though. He grew impatient "I love her! I love her with every fiber of my being, I would whisk her away to another place if I could. I would hold her hand and comfort her when she's had rough days, I would wake up in the middle of the night to call her just to tell her that I think she's beautiful! When she was almost rapped I felt apart of me get ripped out..Seeing such an innocent girl..Being hurt by a bunch of grown men..It made me so angry...It made me..It made me come back to the living. She made me come back to the living! I don't want her away anymore!" He started yelling "I don't know why you won't let me have her when i've done so much for you!..Please..I want to be able to love her..I want to be able to kiss her and have her kids." He smiled and teared up "I want to be able to have angel wings so that I can fly with her in the middle of the night when she can't sleep...I...I want her back.." He dropped to his knees and hugged the wedding ring close to his chest, knowing that God wouldn't say anything because he truly wasn't there at the moment. He felt a hand on his shoulder yet didn't bother to look to see who it was. "I know how you feel...I felt a lot like that when I first meet Rasia." It was Ecro, he sat by him calmly. "I know it's hard,but she's not avoiding you..If anything she doesn't recall you proposing to her..She's just been way busy with school." Flimp looked at him softly "how can you react so calmly...After everything i've done.." Ecro interrupted him "just let it go already, I was possessive of Rasia too and I really shouldn't have been...So if you feel that it's the right thing to do...Marry our daughter I mean..We give you our blessing.." Flimp blinked softly "our?" Ecro nodded and stood, Flimp then saw Rasia standing there quietly. Flimps face blushed, he now knew what God had wanted him to do. He stood softly "thank you guys..." He hugged Ecro then Rasia "where is she? How should I approach it?" Echro and Rasia looked at each other than at him "take her out on a few dates, let her get to know you better...She's actually inside..God told us this was going to happen so we made sure she was distracted." Rasia said calmly, Flimp nodded slightly then went into there house. He hesitated but then knocked on River's door, it didn't take long for her to come to it and open it. "Flimp!" She squeaked and dropped her paperwork, she blushed hard and picked up. He kneeled and helped her out "s-sorry I just haven't seen you in such a long time..I-I'm so sorry for that...I've been super bu.." Flimp softly touched her lips with his finger "ssshh don't say anything just come to dinner with me." River's face flushed, but she slowly nodded. That night they ate and spent a good time finding things about each other they didn't know. Flimp couldn't help and laugh with her, her laugh was contagious and she snorted in such a way that you couldn't help it. But laugh more at it. He sighed contently and looked into her eyes, she looked back softly. He noticed that her eyes gaze went down to his lips and stayed there, he decided not to move so that he wouldn't demotivate her. She slowly moved over the table to him, her eyes locked on his lips. He gulped slightly then closed his eyes, he felt her lips breeze against his and then move back slightly then stay put. He took that as his opportunity to move forward slightly and help their lips meet. He felt goosebumps run down his spine and to his fingertips, he wanted to wrap his arms around her and kiss her the rest of the night. But instead he broke the kiss and opened his eyes, she reluctantly backed up into her seat and opened her eyes only to keep her gaze at the lower right angle of the table. He reached over and softly made her look at him then gave her a calm yet confident smile. 

A few weeks later the next thing he knew, the two had ended up married and he ended up a pure angel. He couldn't be more happier to have found a woman so caring and so smart as River, he felt a little awkward that Rasia and Ecro were now his parents by marriage. But that would have to take some getting use to, after all he just wanted her happiness and he got it each and everytime he saw her.
The end.

Author's note- I got lazy towards the end and I added a LOT more than I should have so i'm going to go faint now, buh bye.
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